Australasian Sonographers Association

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Workplace Resources

Workplace Resources

In this section the ASA has collated a number of resources to support sonographers at work. Resources include the Codes of Conduct for both Australia and New Zealand, medicare requirement information, as well as information on employment awards. Head to Clinical Resources and search “Workplace” for posters on stretching and posture and head to On-Demand Learning to learn about issues related to the sonographer workplace.

Codes of Conduct

ASA Sonographer Code of Conduct

The ASA Code of Conduct for Sonographers sets out the required standards of professional conduct and ethics, as well as other principles for safe and effective practice by sonographers who are members of the ASA. 

View ASA Code of Conduct 

ASA Member Code of Conduct

The ASA mandates that its members commit to following the ASA Member Code of Conduct. Being part of the ASA entails a commitment to uphold its core values. The Member Code of Conduct serves as a compass for ethical behaviour, ensuring that ASA's reputation remains positive by providing clear guidelines for member conduct and expectations.

View ASA Member Code of Conduct


In Australia, sonographers must adhere to the National Code of Conduct for health care workers. This national framework is administered by the local Health Complaints Commissioner, or equivalent, in each state and territory.

The National Code already applies in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. Other states and territories are in the process of changing legislation to bring it to effect.

As part of this work, Australia’s Governments will also establish an online National Register of Prohibition Orders. In the interim, the prohibition orders are published online locally in those states that have already implemented the National Code.

View Australia Code of Conduct

New Zealand

In New Zealand, the Medical Radiation Technologists Board is responsible for setting the conduct and clinical standards for sonographers. 

Sonographers in New Zealand’s must adhere to the Ethical Code of Conduct to set the minimum expectations of a sonographer.

Employment Awards

Please find below links to both the Australian state and territory government employment awards for sonographers; and the current New Zealand national APEX – Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand Collective Agreement for sonographers.

Registered Australian enterprise agreements can be accessed via the Australian Fair Work Commission website. Information on collective and individual employment agreements in New Zealand can be found on the Employment New Zealand website.

View Australian Awards     View New Zealand Award

Resources for employers and employees

Below are resources to aid employers and employees in the workplace, including avenues for problem resolution and legal assistance such as the Australian Government Fair Work Ombudsman, legal advice services, the Health Complaints Commissioner, Employment New Zealand, and additional support options.

View Australia PDF     View New Zealand PDF

Medicare requirements 

In Australia, the rules for Medicare are set in legislation and subordinate regulations. The Diagnostic Imaging Services Table (DIST) is the significant instrument for diagnostic imaging. This is interpreted and applied via the Medicare Benefits Schedule, available online at

Key Medicare Benefits Schedule Notes that are relevant to sonographers include:

  • IN.0.6 – Requests for R-type Diagnostic Imaging Services
Which provide instruction and the minimum requirements of a diagnostic imaging referral request

  • IN.0.7 – Maintaining Records of Diagnostic Imaging Services
Which specifies that “where the service is performed on behalf of a medical practitioner, the report must record the name of the sonographer.”

  • IN.0.13 – Ultrasound
Outlining all the broader conditions that apply for Medicare-funded ultrasound services

Further information on Medicare rules and conditions can be obtained by contacting the Services Australia, Provider Liaison Section, by phone on 132 150. See also the Medicare Education guide - Medicare ultrasound services

Head to Clinical Resources for posters on stretching and posture

Head to On-Demand Learning to learn about issues related to the sonographer workplace