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Industry consultations

Jun 2024

ASA response to AHPRA public consultation on good practice guidance for clincial placements, simulation-based learning and virtual care

Feb 2024

ASA response to the New Zealand Medical Radiation Technologists proposed changes to the Naming Policy for practitioners

Aug 2023

ASA submission to AHPRA criminal history standard review

May 2023

ASA response to the draft RANZCR Standards of Practice for Clinical Radiology v12.0

Feb 2023

ASA response to the AHPRA Review of Accreditation Arrangements

Feb 2023

ASA response to Sustainable healthcare module consultation

Jan 2023

ASA response to AHPRA draft Data Strategy consultation

Mar 2022

ASA response to ACSQHC consultation on the draft Stillbirth Clinical Care Standard

Mar 2022

ASA Letter of Support - RANZCR applications to formally recognise Interventional Radiology and Interventional Neuroradiology fields of specialty practice

Oct 2021

ASA response to ACSQHC development of a stillbirth and bereavement care clinical care standard

Oct 2021

ASA response to ASUM Colour Duplex Doppler Ultrasound Extracranial Carotid Artery Disease draft guideline

Oct 2021

ASA response to RANZCR Position Statement on the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine consultation

Sep 2021

ASA response to Public Consultation of RANZCR Standards of Practice for Clinical Radiology v11

Nov 2020

ASA response to the New Zealand Medical Radiation Technologists Board proposed changes to the prescribed qualifications for registration of medical imaging professions

Oct 2020

ASA response to the Queensland Health Clinical Placements Strategic Review 2020 Discussion Paper

Oct 2020

ASA response to the RANZCR white paper Towards Interoperability: Clinical Radiology Forging the Path Ahead

Dec 2019

ASA response to the AHPRA Supervised practice framework consultation

Nov 2019

ASA response to RANZCR draft Standards of Practice for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Apr 2018

ASA letter regarding the RANZCR position statement on electronic referrals Building Radiology eReferral: Safety, Security and Patient Choice

Apr 2018

ASA response to RANZCR consultation on draft of Practice for Clinical Radiology Version 11

Jul 2017

ASA response to the NHMRC Antenatal Care Guidelines consultation

Apr 2017

ASA response to Draft: Pan Pacific Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention and Management of Venous Leg Ulcers 2nd Edition

Other items of interest
Our platinum partners
Canon Medical
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers

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