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Submissions to Government


June 2024

ASA response to Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce - Scope of Practice Review

May 2024

ASA response to Parliament of South Australia Select Committee on Endometriosis

Mar 2024

ASA input to the 2024 Skills Priority List - Stakeholder Survey

Oct 2023

ASA submission to the MyHealth record consultation

Aug 2023

ASA response to the review of the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)

Jul 2023

ASA response to the consultation on Safe and Responsible AI in Australia

May 2023

ASA response to the ACSQHC National Safety and Quality Cosmetic Surgery Standards

Dec 2022

ASA response to Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into universal access to reproductive health

Dec 2022

ASA Response to the National Skills Commission, Skills Priority List – Stakeholder Survey

Jul 2022

ASA feedback on the Review of the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme standards and model of accreditation

Jun 2022

ASA feedback on supervision of Medicare funded musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound services

Apr 2022

ASA feedback on MSAC Proposed Diagnostic Imaging Services

Feb 2022

ASA response to MSAC 1705 - Structured prenatal risk assessment for preterm preeclampsia

Nov 2021

ASA response to MSAC application: Public funding of Radiofrequency echographic multi spectrometry (REMS) for bone density measurement and determination of osteopenia/osteoporosis

Jan 2020

ASA submission to COVID-19 Senate Inquiry

Aug 2019

ASA response to the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner Discussion Paper for Consultation: Rural Allied Health Quality, Access and Distribution

Mar 2019

ASA response to the MBS Review Taskforce – Report from the Vascular Clinical Committee

Nov 2018 

ASA response to the MBS Schedule Review Taskforce – Report from the Diagnostic Medicine Clinical Committee

Nov 2018

ASA response to the MBS Schedule Review Taskforce – Final Report from the Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Committee

Oct 2018

ASA response to the Medicines and Poisons in Queensland – Overview of the proposed regulatory scheme for Medicines and Poisons 2018 consultation

Oct 2018

ASA response to the MBS Review Taskforce - Reports from the Diagnostic Imaging Clinical Committee: Breast Imaging and Nuclear Medicine

Jun 2018

ASA submission to MSAC application 1482 – New item numbers and rebates for mobile radiology services

Jun 2018

ASA feedback on the draft National Action Plan for Endometriosis

Jan 2018

ASA submission to the Parliament of Australia Senate inquiry into the availability and accessibility of diagnostic imaging equipment around Australia

New Zealand


Other items of interest
Our platinum partners
Canon Medical
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers

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