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Women's Health   

Breast SIG Day - Adelaide | 11 November

  11 Nov 2023  8:45 AM - 5:00 PM        6.00 CPD Points.

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Jenny Parkes, FASA
I-Med and Maroondah BreastScreen (Vic)

Jenny Parkes works as a tutor sonographer and breast sonographer  with I-Med Radiology based in East Melbourne and specialist breast sonographer with Maroondah BreastScreen. In addition she teaches the Breast and Thyroid unit in the Monash University Masters of Medical Ultrasound. Jenny is a past president of the ASA and is a current ASAR board member.

Louise Worley, FASA
I-Med (Vic)

Louise Worley works as Tutor Sonographer for I-Med Victoria North-Eastern Region. She has presented at many ASA and ASUM local Branch and National meetings, as well as World International meetings, as an invited speaker for obstetrics, breast, gynaecology, abdominal, vascular, paediatrics and MSK ultrasound. She was awarded ASA Trainer of the Year in 2013 and ASA Victorian Sonographer of the year in 2017.  She has been on the ASA SIG Breast US committee. Louise has presented multiple webinars and workshops for breast ultrasound. She published an article on Breast ultrasound in the ASA journal “Sound Effects”. Louise was awarded a Fellowship of the ASA for her contributions to ultrasound and the inaugural 2019 Pru Pratten Lifetime Memorial Achievement award. She has recently been bestowed ASA Lifetime Membership.

Michael Foster-Greenwood
I-Med (Qld)

Michael is a senior specialist sonographer and the current ultrasound training co-ordinator for I-Med Radiology. Michael has over 15 years experience in high end point of care ultrasound in breast, MSK and paediatrics, and an all round passion for the profession. He is the current chair of the ASA Qld branch committee. 
Masters in medical ultrasound - Uni SA
Post grad diploma medical ultrasound - UniSA
Bachelor of medical radiation science - Sydney Uni

Dr Pakan Kleinig
Consultant Radiologist and Head of Breast Imaging, SAMI Flinders Medical Centre

Dr Pakan Kleinig is an experienced Flinders Medical Centre Breast radiologist, who is currently the Head of Breast Imaging and chairs the Breast MDT meeting. She has previously worked at BSSA as the Radiology Coordinator and has been a National Radiology College Examiner in Breast Imaging.

She has been at the forefront of advances in Breast imaging in South Australia, introducing Ultrafast breast MRI into FMC routine clinical practice. She is a dedicated teacher of Radiologists and Radiographers/Sonographers and is committed to improving the quality of breast imaging throughout SA.

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Rydges Adelaide, Matthew Flinders Room 1 South Terrace Adelaide SA 5000

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ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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