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ASA Newcastle Branch Vascular Seminar | 5 August

  05 Aug 2023  8:30 AM - 4:30 PM        6.00 CPD Points.

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8.30am registration.

9am start.


9am – Michael Halverson - Canon 10 min

9.10am - Ben Micallef – Carotid plaque rupture with dissection flap (15min)

9.25am - Jacqui Robinson – “Unusual carotid findings” 20 min

9.45am - Dr Mostafa Elkhawaga - “Aggressive carotid FMD in a male case report and current guidelines”. (10 min)   

9.55am Kathryn Busch – “go the extra mile for temporal arteritis” 10 min

10.05am - Lucy Taylor – brachial artery case “All wrapped up” (10min)

10.15am – 15 min Discussion/Question time

10.30am Morning tea

11am -     Donna Oomens – WSU course talk 10 min

11.10am- Kylie Burney – “abnormal findings of the iliac veins” 15min

11.25am - David Wroblewski – IVC Aneurysm (15min)

11.40am- Donna Oomens – “Persistent what” 10 min sciatic vein

11.50am - Vanessa Weiley – "Behind the Knee: A Deep Dive into Popliteal Vein Entrapment". (15min)

12.05pm - Jillian Moore (on behalf of Jenny Hunter) – ‘You’ve got a nerve’ (15min)

12.20pm –  Richard Rounsley- Popliteal vein aneurysm (10min)

12.35pm – Adam Tolfree - ‘To The Left – Is That The IVC? (10min).

12.45pm 15min Discussion/Question time

Lunch 1pm to 2pm

2pm - Nathan Gallagher - Fibromuscular dysplasia - literature recommendations for documenting and reporting (15min)

2.15pm - Linda Thebridge - Renal Transplants-What's Normal? (20min)

2.35pm - Tom Hopkins – External iliac dissection flap remodelling following stent (15min)

2.50pm - Kerusha Singh – EVAR talk 15 min

3.05 pm Yousif Alqaselia – incidental groin mass in a complicated patient (15min)

3.20pm Robyn Boman – Rheumatoid vasculitis (15min)

3.35pm Stuart Wind - 'An unusual case of saccular internal carotid artery aneurysm' (10min)

3.45pm Melissa Borg - Beyond the basics of Primary Raynauds:  An unusual presentation of digital Ischemia. (15min)

4pm 30 min Discussion/Question time

4.30pm close and drinks at 5pm


The day will consist of multiple presentations (approximately 20) including:

  • Donna Oomens
  • Jacqui Robinson
  • Kylie Burnley
  • Nathan Gallagher
  • Jillian Moore
  • Jaime Feeney
  • Lucy Taylor
  • Richard Rounsley
  • Kathryn Busch
  • David Wroblewski
  • Ben Micallef
  • Tom Hopkins

More Presenters required!

If you are interested in presenting please contact Warren Lewis - warrenl@vascularone.com.au

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NOAH'S on the beach, Promenade Ballroom, 29 Zaara St, Newcastle East NSW 2300

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ASA Member Services
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Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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