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Perth Travelling Workshop - Musculoskeletal Ultrasound | 4 February

  04 Feb 2023  8:30 AM - 3:00 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

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Whether you are scanning elite athletes or the weekend warrior, this MSK workshop covers the gamut of pathologies which you may encounter when scanning the various body regions.

Each workshop will cover anatomy, scan techniques and expected sonographic findings with validation through the presenter’s own case studies. Live scanning will reinforce the key concepts in real time and attendees are encouraged to participate through questions. Workshops are intended to offer something for all skill levels.

8:30am                  Registration opens

9:00am                  Acute finger

10:15am                Morning Tea

10:30am                Forefoot

12:15pm                Lunch

1:00pm                  Hip

2:30pm                  Feedback, and questions

3.00pm                  Workshop concludes


Jerome Boyle is the Chief Sonographer for the Imaging Associates Group (Australia). He has been scanning since 2011 and in that time has fostered an undeniable passion for quality focused ultrasound which achieves good patient outcomes. Jerome remains remarkably passionate about all facets of ultrasound, and remains a keen advocate for pushing the boundaries with what we can see with modern ultrasound system. Jerome balances his clinical role with a role as Clinical Advisor at Kailo Medical (SonoReview) where he revels at the opportunity to ameliorate the profession through technology. Jerome has presented at local, state and national conferences on numerous topics and has published several peer reviewed articles in international publications.

Partners and Supporters


University of Western Australia FJ Clark Lecture Theatre in QE2 P block 1 Hampden Rd, Nedlands WA 6009

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Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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