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General   Vascular   

Orange Travelling Workshop | 17 August

  17 Aug 2024  8:00 AM - 2:30 PM        5.00 CPD Points.

Arterial Scanning- What, How and Why

The Australasian Sonographers Association is pleased to announce experienced Presenter Linda Thebridge
who will be providing an Arterial Scanning Travelling Workshop in ORANGE, NSW.

An overview of the arterial system including image optimisation, what clinical history is relevant, normal and abnormal arterial waveforms, and how these fit with the clinical picture.

This event promises to be a unique and highly sought after learning opportunity.

Why Attend a Travelling Workshop?

Expert Speakers: Gain insights from Sonography leaders and experts who will share the latest trends, best practices, and innovative approaches.

Interactive Workshops: Participate in a hands-on workshop designed to provide practical skills and knowledge that you can immediately apply in your professional practice.

CPD Points: Earn valuable CPD Points that contribute to your professional growth and career advancement.

To secure your spot at this must-attend event, please click on the link below to complete your registration.

Proudly Sponsored by:

ASA Member: $50 (please log in to receive the member's price) 
Non Member: $270

Non member $270.00 (GST incl.) Register
  Members, please log in to register.


Live scanning will be conducted throughout the day with focus on:

-Abdominal arteries -Aorta, SMA, EVG 

-Renal arteries including transplants

-Temporal arteries and Giant Cell Arteritis



Linda Thebridge, Royal North Shore Hospital

Linda has a background in Medical Radiation Science with 30 years of experience in both general and vascular ultrasound, and currently works at Royal North Shore Hospital.

Linda is a PhD candidate at Sydney University in the Faculty of Medicine and Health. Her ultrasound research investigates blood flow in native kidneys and kidney transplants, and she has had multiple publications. Linda is currently part of the research team investigating giant cell arteritis and temporal artery ultrasound.

Linda is enthusiastic about teaching and mentoring students and colleagues across wider multidisciplinary teams. She has written many clinical protocols and is passionate about a positive work culture.

Partners and Supporters


Orange Base Hospital - Lecture theatre, 1st Floor - 1530 Forest Rd, Orange NSW 2800

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Non member : $270.00

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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