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Women's Health   

Women's Health SIG Day - Perth | 20 July

  20 Jul 2024  8:45 AM - 5:00 PM        6.00 CPD Points.

We are excited to announce the Women's Health SIG Day in Perth on 20th July, 2024. 

The Women's Health SIG Day is designed to provide sonographers with the latest knowledge and hands-on learning in Women's Health ultrasound. The event will feature four expert speakers who will cover a range of advanced topics from technical aspects to clinical applications.

Learning objectives include:

  1. Understand the forms of endometriosis can take
  2. Appreciate the various structures that can be affected by endometriosis
  3. Understand how to conduct an endometriosis ultrasound

In addition to the presentations, there will be a unique opportunity live scanning demonstrations and to participate in a Q&A session with all of the speakers. The event provides an excellent platform for attendees to network with colleagues, discuss best practices, and exchange ideas. To close the day, there will be networking drinks where attendees can continue their discussions and make new connections. This is an excellent opportunity for sonographers to enhance their knowledge, skills, and network with peers.


  • Dr Jennifer Alphonse,FASA- Fertility Ultrasound 
  • Jenny Parkes- Breast Ultrasound Technique 2024
  • Gillian Profaca- Endometriosis 
  • Dr Parveen Sulthana Mohamed Ali- Gynaecology Radiology Specialist
  • Dr Ansu Abraham- Breast Radiology Specialist

The Women's Health SIG Day in Perth is brought to you by the ASA, in partnership with GE Heathcare.

At the conclusion of the event, please stay and enjoy the networking session, including drinks and canapes.

ASA Member: $220
Non Member: $399

Members must be logged in in order to register at the member rate.

NOTE: Event numbers are strictly limited, so register early to avoid missing out.
This event is targeted at mid to advance career professionals. 



Cancellations must be recieved in writing a minumum of 7 days prior the event to recieve a full refund.  Any cancelattions made less then 7days prior to the event will not be eligible for a refund (except in exceptional circumstances as determined by ASA in its complete discretion).


ASA Member? Login to register at member discounted price of $220.00

Non-Member $399.00 (GST incl.) Register
  Members, please log in to register.



Dr Jennifer Alphonse FASA- Central Queensland University (CQU)
Dr. Jennifer Alphonse completed a PhD in 2015 and is a generally trained sonographer with a passion for education, research and evidence based and advanced clinical practice. Jennifer worked for five years in general practice, seven years in a dedicated paediatric practice before moving to Sydney Ultrasound for Women, where for more than 19 years Jennifer has held a position at as a senior sonographer and is experienced in tertiary level O&G. From 2013 to 2019 Jennifer held a research sonographer position, following onto an adjunct lecturer appointment at University of NSW until 2022.  Jennifer co-supervised a PhD candidate to completion and is currently co-supervising both Masters and PhD Candidates enrolled at CQ University.  Jennifer is a senior lecturer at CQU and a reviewer of O&G manuscripts for local and international journals. Jennifer is well published in her own right and currently working on research publications with her co-authors from both CQU and UNSW.  Jennifer enjoys teaching and sharing knowledge, and although the focus of her PhD was in first trimester screening, Jennifer has a particular interest in gynaecological ultrasound and has been heard to say “I love an empty uterus” in reference to her enthusiasm for high level gynaecological/pelvic ultrasound. Jennifer was awarded the ASA Pru Pratten Lifetime Achievement Award in 2024.

Gillian Profaca- Omnigynaecare And Ultrasound
Gillian has been working as a sonographer for over 25 years and has completed her Masters in Medical Ultrasound.
She currently chief sonographer at OMNI gynaecare which is a dedicated obstetrics and gynaecology ultrasound centre in Sydney, OMNI has a focus on endometriosis ultrasound and research.
She is passionate about gynaecological ultrasound. Her enthusiasm for education has led her to present at national and international events.

Jenny Parkes 
Works as a tutor sonographer and breast sonographer  with I-Med Radiology based in East Melbourne and specialist breast sonographer with Maroondah BreastScreen. In addition she teaches the Breast and Thyroid unit in the Monash University Masters of Medical Ultrasound.  Jenny is a past president of the ASA and is a current ASAR board member.

Dr Parveen Sulthana Mohamed Ali- Gynaecology Radiology Specialist
Graduated from the Government Kilpauk Medical College, Chennai, India in 2005. Did radiology training at Madras Medical College, Chennai and Billroth Hospitals, Chennai, India. Awarded FRCR from the Royal College of Radiologists, London, UK, in 2016 and awarded the European Diploma in Radiology (EDiR) by the European Board of Radiology (EBR) in 2019. Completed FRANZCR in 2022.  Commenced permanently with Perth Radiological Clinic in 2022.

Dr Ansu Abraham- Breast Radiology Specialist
Ansu graduated from University of Mumbai in 1999 and completed her radiology training in Perth in 2014. She completed a Fellowship with the Royal Australian and New Zealand college of Radiologists (FRANZCR) at Royal Perth Hospital for Breast Radiology in 2013 and then in Abdominal & Urological imaging in 2014. Ansu has since worked in private radiology and as a consultant radiologist at Fiona Stanley Hospital. She joined Perth Radiological Clinic in 2020.

Partners and Supporters


Crowne Plaza Perth, Stirling Room, 54 Terrace Road, East Perth, WA, 6004

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Non-Member : $399.00

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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