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Interesting Case Night   

Alice Springs Branch Interesting Case Night | 13 Aug

  13 Aug 2024  5:00 PM - 7:00 PM        2.00 CPD Points.

The ASA Alice Springs Branch warmly invites you to a fun evening of socialising and learning.

RSVP by Friday 9 August 2024

Parking available outside R.E.D. Centre Building

Come along to the interesting case night and share your best case or pathology review. This is also a great opportunity for students to hone their presentation skills in a friendly and supportive environment. Of course, you can attend theevening without needing to present.

Guidelines for presenting a case study:

  • Presentations should be approximately 5-7 minutes in length
  • Ensure that patient ID is removed from images and clips
  • A suggested presentation structure includes: title, patient history, images/clips highlighting key learning points, patient follow-up and outcomes
  • Presentations should be uploaded to a USB and it is recommended that images are also uploaded to a separate device in case of any issues

RSVP: Name and presentation title submitted to memberservices@sonographers.org

ASA Members - Free
Non-members -  $25

Be sure to log into your ASA account to access member prices.

Non-member $25.00 (GST incl.) Register
  Members, please log in to register.



Partners and Supporters


Alice Springs Hospital, R.E.D. Centre (1st Floor, 1st Room to the right), 6 Gap Road, The Gap NT 0870

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Non-member : $25.00

Contact Information

ASA Member Services
Phone: +61 03 9552 0000
Email: memberservices@sonographers.org

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Canon Medical
GE Healthcare
Siemens Healthineers

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