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Associate Fellow of the ASA

Associate Fellowship

Becoming an Associate Fellow of the ASA is recognition of a sonographer's achievement and service in the profession by the Australasian Sonographers Association. 

Awarded in recognition of professional excellence, an Associate Fellowship is held for the duration of membership with the ASA and entitles the member to use the post-nominal lettering 'AFASA'.

AFASA entry requirements

  1. To be conferred as an Associate Fellow of the ASA, an ASA Financial member must have a minimum of 40 Fellowship points
  2. Points achieved from at least one activity within the category ‘ASA Service’ and with one activity in two of the following categories – Education, Publications, Presentations, Awards, Leadership, or Other
  3. All points must have been accrued within 3 years preceding the application date for AFASA. Applications can be submitted at any time once the 40 points have been accumulated.

View the application criteria HERE.

Associate Fellowship applications and assessment

Applications can be submitted at any time once the 40 points have been accumulated. To apply for AFASA please login and use the form below.  If you have any issues navigating them form, please contact Member Services at memberservices@sonographers.org and the team can send you instructions.

Associate Fellowship applications are received all year round. There is an application fee of $250 (GST inclusive) per application. This is a one-off charge.

2024      Michele Dowling
2024      Akram Mahmoud Asbeutah
2024      Matthew Adams
2024      Angela Farley
2024      Danielle Bowles
2024      Heath Edwards
2024      Michael Foster-Greenwood
2024      Randhir Sewgolam
2024      Andrew Bain
2023      Sheri Anne Rae
2023      Ian Schroen
2023      Deborah Carmody
2023      Deanne Chester
2023      Christine Thomson
2023      Janessa Baddeley
2023      Lisa McGuire
2023      Alison White
2023      Natalie Clements
2022      Julie Cahill
2022      Bridie Roche
2022      Caterina Watson
2020      Sonya Simpson
2019      Nicole Robertson
2018      Anna-Maria Galea
2018      Cara Miller
2018      Rob McGregor
2018      Francis Ryan
2018      Faye Temple
2017      Anna Graves
2017      Ling Lee
2017      Warren Lewis
2016      Louise Deshon
2016      Tony Forshaw,
2016      Diane Jackson
2016      Christopher Jansen
2016      Lynne Johnson
2016      Afrooz Najafzadeh
2016      Luke Platt

Other items of interest
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Canon Medical
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