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The largest of the bursa near the greater trochanter of the hip, the trochanteric bursa which is also called the sub-gluteus maximus bursa, is located deep to the iliotibial tract (which connects the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles) and superficial to the greater trochanter and the gluteus medius and minimus tendons and their associated muscles.
Normal bursae are often imperceptible on ultrasound. Fluid seen within the bursa may be considered bursitis but a single quantitative threshold measure of this to discriminate between normal and abnormal is not routinely used. Trochanteric bursitis can occur secondary to insertional tendinopathy involving gluteus minimus or gluteus medius tendons. Anterior facet or lateral facet insertional enthesopathy or Iliotibial band thickening at the level of the greater trochanter can also be a cause of greater trochanteric pain syndrome, of which trochanteric bursal thickening may be involved.
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The largest of the bursa near the greater trochanter of the hip, the trochanteric bursa which is also called the sub-gluteus maximus bursa, is located deep to the iliotibial tract (which connects the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles) and superficial to the greater trochanter and the gluteus medius and minimus tendons and their associated muscles.
Normal bursae are often imperceptible on ultrasound. Fluid seen within the bursa may be considered bursitis but a single quantitative threshold measure of this to discriminate between normal and abnormal is not routinely used. Trochanteric bursitis can occur secondary to insertional tendinopathy involving gluteus minimus or gluteus medius tendons. Anterior facet or lateral facet insertional enthesopathy or Iliotibial band thickening at the level of the greater trochanter can also be a cause of greater trochanteric pain syndrome, of which trochanteric bursal thickening may be involved.