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I have attached the consent form we use at FSH for your perusal - you are welcome to use it.
We ask the patient if they have a known PFO and dont use it in these cases, although it is used in echocardiography successfully in these patients. Our main contraindications is we dont use it in pregnant or lactating patients, and we have not used it in any minors.
We have used it in renal transplant cases with no known adverse outcomes.
For renal cases we use one vial for up to 3 injections - that equates to around 0.4mL per case with a saline flush of around 3-4 mL as a chaser.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to post again if required.
Dear Karen,
thanks for your question.
I have attached the consent form we use at FSH for your perusal - you are welcome to use it.
We ask the patient if they have a known PFO and dont use it in these cases, although it is used in echocardiography successfully in these patients. Our main contraindications is we dont use it in pregnant or lactating patients, and we have not used it in any minors.
We have used it in renal transplant cases with no known adverse outcomes.
For renal cases we use one vial for up to 3 injections - that equates to around 0.4mL per case with a saline flush of around 3-4 mL as a chaser.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to post again if required.
Thanks Marilyn (on behalf of the Abdo SIG group).