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Current recommendations are for the NT to be performed between 11-14 weeks (45-84mm), with 3.5mm and above considered abnormal. The nuchal fold measurement is to be performed at the routine anatomy scan from 18-22 weeks. Typically less than 6mm is considered normal at the anatomy scan.
Limited literature exists regarding the nuchal fold measurement between 14-18 weeks. A local Obstetrician may be able to provide guidance if they are requesting this.
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Current recommendations are for the NT to be performed between 11-14 weeks (45-84mm), with 3.5mm and above considered abnormal. The nuchal fold measurement is to be performed at the routine anatomy scan from 18-22 weeks. Typically less than 6mm is considered normal at the anatomy scan.
Limited literature exists regarding the nuchal fold measurement between 14-18 weeks. A local Obstetrician may be able to provide guidance if they are requesting this.