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Jobs and volunteering

All Branch Committees


The role of the ASA’s branches is to organise branch meetings and workshops to:

  • Provide education and networking events for local members
  • Promote membership of the Association to local sonographers
  • Support the strategic intent of the Association

There are 28 Branches throughout Australia and New Zealand.

  • ACT Branch
  • New South Wales Branch, Central West, Illawarra, Mid North Coast, Newcastle andRiverina
  • Northern Territory Branch and Alice Springs Branch
  • Queensland Branch, Far North Queensland, Gold Coast, Bundaberg/Wide Bay, Mackay, Moreton Bay, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba/darling Downs and Townsville/North Qld
  • South Australia Branch
  • Tasmania Branch
  • Victoria Branch, Gippsland, Goulburn Valley
  • Western Australia Branch and South West Western Australia
  • Auckland Branch, Wellington and Mid Central NZ

To apply

  • click “APPLY” above  
  • Indicate which Branch Committee to you are applying to be on
  • Outline why you wish to volunteer for the committee
  • And the skills that you would bring to the role.

Please send your expression of interest through and we will be in touch soon.

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