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Jobs and volunteering

Special Interest Group - General Committee (abdo and small parts)


The role of the Special Interest Group is to:

• provide advice to the Australasian Sonographers Association (ASA) on issues relevant to the specialty

• work with the ASA in the development and production resources relevant to their speciality

• assist with developing CPD opportunities in their streams such as workshops, webinars and major events

• provide members of the group with networking opportunities by having contact with fellow SIG Committee members and professional development through gaining experience at a committee level; and

• provide support and advice to committees and ASA office staff.

Please see Terms of Reference (ToR) attached below for further information.

Please send through your expression of interest by clicking 'APPLY' above and include information about yourself such as your experience and current workplace. Please attach a current CV with your application.

Committee meetings are generally held via  Zoom so committee members can be located in Australia and New Zealand.

We will be in touch soon with regards to your application.

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